Yes, Floppy Baby. That is the name of this blog, funny sounding, but true. Peter was a very floppy baby. He was 8 pounds and 9 0ounces, so a nice size, but oh so floppy. He did not sit up for the longest time. Whenever, he had his monthly pictures, you know the pictures you do for your kids. The ones that you do for the first one, so now, you do it for the second and for heaven's sake, need to do it for the third, because we must be fair. Actually, by the third child, Peter was more on the every other month plan. At those pictures, we would prop and hide and hold him up. And there he sat, a year old, with this happy grin, only seconds away from flopping over. Peter eventually sat up, but when he did, he would often lay his head of the high chair, as if it was just too much work to hold it up. He smiled and did his "OT" exercises with his head down. At eighteen months he was attending Early Childhood classes and would spend and hour or so working on strengthening and playing. Shortly before the age of two, Peter began to walk. Looking back, I never thought he would not sit, or walk, or even talk. Talking, however, is for another day. I guess I just thought Peter would be who he was, but always thought he would continue to grow. I really do not think I thought much beyond the present. I did not play the what if game, but more the it is what is game. Although, in the early stages, I still felt there would be a cure or Peter would just snap out of it. I guess you could define that as hope. But that hope, and the idea of taking one day at a time worked for me. And with each baby step, really little baby steps, Peter made progress. He grew stronger, could hold up that head, and eventually his whole body. Now how cool was that!
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