Almost did not find my way back. That is scary...make a blog...can't find the blog. But I am here, whew!
So, beginning or present....beginning. Just seems to make sense to start from the beginning and how my life with Peter Labanowsky began. So you see, Peter is the third child, the uncomplicated pregnancy, no eclampsia, no placenta previa, perfect pregnancy. And at 6 AM in the morning, Peter literally slid into the world, quietly. And there he was, declared a perfectly normal little boy. Which of course he is, because who defines normal anyway. Only to discover that his eyes were not normal, they look like cat's eyes. Only to be told by a friend who is an pediatric ophthalmologist that he would most likely be blind as she could not find an optic nerve. So, to this day, I remember driving home in that Cranberry Town and Country, tears streaming down my face, vowing that Peter would lead a normal life just like Mike Riordan. Mike is the son of Dan and Sue Riordan who had cancer as a child, but lived until he was 22 years old with complications from the Radiation Therapy. He lived a very full life, even going to college until the time of his death. You could say, Mike got his bang for his buck out of life. So, Mike was going to be our role model, no matter what the obstacle....normal, and that was that.
Months later, we discovered that Peter actually could see...as if he was looking through a periscope, but he can see and has learned to compensate well...you would never know. And the ophthalmologists still can't find that optic nerve!! Makes you wonder!
However, before that time, Peter ran into other problems. He just couldn't grow and he was a bit floppy, and he did not progress. So the beginning of doctor's visits to clinic, and hospitals, and children's hopsitals and special clinics began. And Peter continued not to grow, the medical professional scratched their heads, and said something about a defective gene in the Respiratory chain of his muscle tissue. Nothing medicine could fix.
After about fours years of searching and trying to find an answer, I decided it was time. I thought...This is Peter, there are no drugs that will cure, there will be help for progress, and I was finished. No more trips to Madison or Milwaukee, just the usual kid's stuff. So, after fours years, I probably came to the acceptance and realization that Peter was special....only I did not know at that time how really special he was!
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